A Professional’s Tutorial to Python Try + Except

Try + except, even more Python control flow + error checking

Adam Ross Nelson
8 min readSep 17, 2023


For an overview of these tutorials, click here (or click the image).

Welcome to eighth, in a series of tutorials that teach beginner Python specifically for aspiring data scientists. For an overview of these tutorials, click here.


Building upon the foundation established in our previous tutorial on crafting a Python guessing game, we are now poised to explore a crucial aspect of Python programming: exception handling using try and except.

If you have yet to familiarize yourself with the foundational constructs presented in the earlier tutorials, it's advisable to reference the overview to all tutorials in this series.

Multiple spheres. Close up image. Most are black and in a line. One is bright yellow and out of line.
Image Credit: Author’s illustration created in Canva.com.

Exception handling, while perhaps a divergence from the playful context of a guessing game, is an indispensable tool for aspiring data scientists who plan to use Python in their work. Whether it’s in the context of data science, software development, or scripting, the robust management of potential errors can make the difference between a seamless user experience and a program that crashes unexpectedly.



Adam Ross Nelson

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